Thread-safe queues in Clojure

Imagine the following: You have a pool of workers. Each worker should get an item from a queue and process it.

Using “workers” from core.async

Great! How do we launch those workers? Let’s use core.async for that, specifically go:

(require '[clojure.core.async :as async :refer [go]])

(dotimes [i 10]
    (println "Processing" i)))

By the way, core.async has a fixed-size thread pool of 8 workers, but that’s stuff for another post.

Every time dotimes runs with a new value of i, it starts a new go-block, simulating an asynchronous job running on the thread pool. The go will return immediately, more specifically, it will return a channel.

This will print Processing 0Processing 1, etc. to the console. Those Processing lines will appear almost at the same time. They won’t be in the correct order though. That’s fine.

Now we want to keep track of completed jobs. How can we accomplish that?

Keeping track of completed jobs

Let’s introduce a vector in an atom to keep track of completed jobs:

(let [completed (atom [])]
  (dotimes [i 10]
      (swap! completed conj i)))

  ;; hacky! don't do this at home. wait for the workers to finish
  (Thread/sleep 100)

  ;; return the value of the atom by dereferencing it

After each job is completed in a go block, we add its index i to the completed vector. conjing to a vector adds it to the end of it so that’s perfect for us. We wait a few milliseconds (100) for the workers to finish, then return the value of the atom by dereferencing it with @.

Running this would yield an output like this:

[1 6 7 5 8 3 9 4 0 2]

No surprises there. All jobs defined by the index i get done.

What if you want to process a queue of arbitrary things, not integer indices like in our example?

If your items are known from the start, it’s easy: You could replace dotimes above with doseq and replace 10 with your collection, e.g. (range 10). A better and more elegant way would be using pipeline (material for another post, again).

Using atoms to keep track of jobs-to-be-done?

But what if not all of your items are known from the start? Then, things get hairy. Consider this:

;; don't use this!
(let [queue     (atom (vec (range 20)))
      completed (atom [])]
    (dotimes [i (count @queue)]
        ;; get the first item off the "queue"
        (let [item (peek @queue)]
          ;; simulate some light work which takes 2ms
          (Thread/sleep 2)
          ;; add the item to the vector of completed items
          (swap! completed conj item)
          ;; update the queue by removing this item from it
          (swap! queue pop))))

    ;; hacky! wait for workers to finish
    (Thread/sleep 100)

    ;; return the completed items

Do you see the problem? Have a look at this output:

[19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 12 12 11 11 12 11 11 11 4 4 6 6]

Oh god! What happened?

The first worker peeked at the queue and got the value 19. Then, it started “processing” it (via Thead/sleep) which took 2ms. In the meantime, the second worker peeked at the queue which was still unchanged and got the value 19. It also started processing it for 2ms.

When the first worker was done, it swap!ed the queue and popped it, removing 19. Shortly after, the second worker was done, also popped it, removing 18.

Wait, now 18 wasn’t processed at all – woops.

Atomic Popping?

The problem here is that the peek and pop operation should execute atomically, i.e. we want to pop but also receive the value which we have popped off the queue.

You may now think “but if we move the swap! just below the peek, then we’re fine!” – nope, sadly we don’t get any guarantee that those two statements are executed with nothing in between.

Languages with Mutability

Thinking about this, in programming languages with mutability, this is fairly easy. Python and Java have queue data types which remove and return an item at once, mutating the queue. With Clojure’s immutable data structures, this actually is a bit tricky.

Solve it with refs and STM?

Our problem boils down to “we want to peek at a queue and pop it at once”. Could Clojure’s STM with refs solve this problem?

Let’s give it a go. The changes are straightforward which is a compliment to Clojure’s language design. We exchange our atom for a ref and the swap!s for alters. Further, we wrap the operation which should run “at once” in dosync:

;; don't use this!
;; note that `queue` is now a `ref`
(let [queue     (ref (vec (range 20)))
      completed (atom [])]
    (dotimes [i (count @queue)]
        ;; get the first item off the "queue"
        ;; refs can also be dereferenced, just like atoms
        (let [item (peek @queue)]
          ;; use dosync here
            ;; simulate some light work which takes 2ms
            (Thread/sleep 2)
            ;; add the item to the vector of completed items
            (swap! completed conj item)
            ;; update the queue by removing this item from it
            (alter queue pop)))))

    ;; hacky! wait for workers to finish
    (Thread/sleep 100)

    ;; return the completed items

Looks good? Here’s the output:

[19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 ...]

It didn’t work again but in a different way (um.. progress?).

STM allows us to maintain “integrity” between refs. So if you would be running bank transactions, you’d want to use refs as hey would ensure that any time you deduct money from an account you also successfully deposit it in another.

Our use case is different though: We just want to peek and pop at once from a single ref. This is not a problem for refs to solve.

Side note: I’m not an STM / Clojure ref expert. It would be interesting to understand the differences of the past two examples. Also, replacing alter with commute changes things in yet another way. Fascinating.

Taking a Step Back

Pondering this problem, it boils down to this:

  • Clojure’s data structures are immutable
  • An atom is the recommended way of storing data which can be accessed in a shared way (by multiple workers)
  • Due to immutability, we can’t peek and pop at the same time

So how can we peek and pop on an atom at the same time?

Turns out, clojure.core has us covered! With swap-vals!, we can get both the old and new value of an atom. This is how it works:

(def queue (atom [0 1 2 3]))
(swap-vals! queue pop)

Which returns:

[[0 1 2 3] [1 2 3]]

swap-vals! returns a vector in which the first item is the old value of the atom and the second one is the new value. If we call pop on queue above, we can easily see that the popped item of the old queue is 0 (it’s missing in the new queue), we just would have to call first on it the old one to peek.

With this in mind, let’s fix our code:

;; correct solution
(let [queue     (atom (vec (range 20)))
      completed (atom [])]
    (dotimes [i (count @queue)]
        ;; change the queue by popping it. also get the old
        ;; queue. from the old queue, get the first item
        ;; which is the item we want to process
        (let [[old new] (swap-vals! queue pop)
              item (peek old)]
          ;; simulate some light work which takes 2ms
          (Thread/sleep 2)
          ;; add the item to the vector of completed items
          (swap! completed conj item))))

    ;; hacky! wait for workers to finish
    (Thread/sleep 100)

    ;; return the completed items

What’s the result?

[15 17 16 12 19 14 18 13 11 9 10 5 4 8 6 7 2 1 0 3]

Awesome! We’re done 🙂

Well, not quite. There are still some improvements.

Improvement: Use clojure.lang.PersistentQueue

So far we’ve been (mis-)using a vector as queue. Did you know that Clojure has a queue data type?

You can create an empty queue by calling (clojure.lang.PersistentQueue/EMPTY). It supports peek and pop.

It’s also a persistent and immutable data structure so you’ll still have to wrap it in an atom and use the swap-vals! approach 🙂

Alternative: Use a Java Queue

If you feel like venturing out into the dangerous forest of Mutability, you could use a Java Queue.

The ClojureScript compiler actually does that. When you specify :parallel-build true in the build options, in constructs a LinkedBlockingDeque with things-to-be-compiled and calls .pollFirst to pop.

Check out the implementation if you’re interested.

Further Reading

  • Stackoverflow question which prompted me to write this post.
  • pmap implementation which has nothing to do with queues and core.async but is interesting to look at. It’s implemented with futures and a lazy-seq.

Bonus: Explaining this to non-programmers

I was on a walk with a friend who’s not into coding but was nonetheless interested in what I was writing. I came up with this analogy:

Imagine you’re running an Asian food-delivery restaurant (that’s what we do as Asians). You cook meals and put them into take-out boxes. To deliver those, you have a driver. For the driver to know which box is the “oldest” (the one which has been waiting the longest time for delivery), you put the boxes in a line, sorted by when you finished them – a queue. The driver picks up the oldest box, delivers it to a customer and then comes back and picks up the next oldest one. Let’s ignore the inefficiency of only delivering one box at a time. Pretty simple, right?

Now you have more customers and want to increase deliveries. You hire more drivers. Any time a driver comes to your restaurant, he picks up the oldest box and delivers that to the customer. If another driver arrives at the restaurant in the meantime, he picks up the oldest box which is currently there.

What happens if two drivers arrive at the restaurant at the same time? Well, human behaviour: The one who reaches the line of boxes first grabs the oldest one while the other one waits for a few seconds. Then, the other one proceeds to grab the next oldest one. No problem.

But, see, in computer software you don’t have human behaviour to save you from these so-called “race conditions”. It could happen that both drivers arrive at the same time, spot the same oldest box and grab it at the same time! Worse yet, both of them could take it and suddenly you have two copies of the same box! The customer only ordered one but will be happy receive two boxes of the same food.

Imagine this happening with 100 drivers arriving at the restaurant. The customer will be less happy about 100 boxes.

How to solve this? You make changes to the queue atomic. That probably doesn’t make any sense to you, so here’s the analogy: In the restaurant, an old Chinese lady sits at the entrance to the room full of boxes. Drivers arrive. She only allows one driver to go in at a time, pick up the oldest box and go out. Then, the next driver is permitted to go in.

The drivers always respect these rules because she’s a secret kung fu master.

So there you have it. If you have race conditions in your code, consider installing an old Chinese lady in it.


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