• You don’t need a co-founder. Just be a solo founder. It’s easy, and it’s great. But, as always, it depends. On what?It depends on you. My point is that the whole discussion of solo founding vs. co-founding is not a very rational one – sure, people online are shouting at each other that one thing…

  • This article is a bit of the missing piece on on the differences between a holding-GmbH in Germany versus a “normal” GmbH. I briefly mentioned the holding setup in how to found a GmbH company in Germany here, and I summarized all my “hacks” for founding and running German companies here. So now it’s time…

  • I’ve been wanting to write an article on ETF investing for quite a while. That’s because multiple friends have been asking me for investment advice. This, by itself, is highly questionable of course, because these friends were under the assumption that I was supposedly a smart, structured person and therefore that my personal investment decisions…

  • DiGAs are reimbursable Health apps in Germany. Here’s a quick primer on how they work. Let’s say you show up at your doctor’s office, said doctor can say “hey, you’re suffering from depression and I only have 5 minutes to talk to you because public health insurance only pays me a tiny amount for this…

  • Disclaimer as always: I’m not a tax advisor, and this is not tax advice. I’m simply sharing my notes with you so that you’ll hopefully save some time when researching your own exit tax situation in Germany (likely with a tax advisor). Cool! With that out of the way, let’s get right into it. What…

  • You might think that running a SaaS business is great. And you’d not be alone! Every software developer, Indiehacker and would-be startup founder is thinking like “oh man, working at <boring day job> sucks, but if I just had a SaaS, I could just lean back and enjoy that sweet, recurring revenue”. The reality, however,…

  • So you want to migrate your S3 object storage provider in your Rails application. While that might sound scary at first, the good news is that you can use the built-in ActiveStorage mirroring feature of Rails to do it easily! Random context: If you’re building companies in Europe like me, it seems to be a…

  • Medical students and doctors often ask me how the hell I managed to leave the hospital and work as a software engineer (and later, founder) instead. We usually would schedule a call and somewhat aimlessly do a Q&A in the optimistic hope of the other person asking me good questions, and the even more optimistic…

  • Hetzner recently launched their S3-compatible object storage. Like many other Hetzner services, their object storage offering looks really interesting because it’s significantly less expensive than the competition, especially AWS – the initial pricing suggests it’s ~4x cheaper for storage, and ~50x (!) cheaper for traffic. Let’s look how you can use it in Ruby on…

  • As with some of my self-experiments, Acarbose is one of those where I can’t remember my reason for starting it. I think it was some sort of simplified cave man reasoning ™ along the lines of “Acarbose.. modifies gut bacteria.. good.. must try.. walking to pharmacy now.. showing doctor’s ID.. thank you”. And so it…