Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) is an interesting one, because many people (including doctors, and including me until recently!) don’t know much about it. Let’s take a look, and let me explain why you might want to be injecting hydroxocobalamin. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves! Before we get started: What the hell is Vitamin B12?…
I’m sure you’ve been eagerly awaiting another rant, especially about this sort of stuff. But before I start ranting, let’s actually start with some facts! Here’s what Thierry Breton of the European Commission thinks about the AI Act: Okay. So he thinks regulating AI creates “a launchpad for EU startups”. I’ll just leave that there…
Tweets like this one set me off: Okay, hold on, dude. You just passed more regulation which startups have to comply with, making it harder and more costly to build and launch AI products in the EU, and now you call that a “launchpad for EU startups”? Historic! Let’s do a thought experiment and go…
I was really looking forward to visiting Japan for the first time. First, let’s talk about Japanese toilets. Japanese Toilets In Thailand, you get a teaser of Japanese sophistication when you visit one of those sophisticated Thai shopping malls and sit down on one of those sophisticated Japanese toilets. In case you didn’t know, they…
If you’ve read my recent rant about how painful it is to found a company in Germany, you probably realized that I was quite annoyed about bureaucracy in Germany at the time. What you didn’t know, however, was that I was also looking at founding a company in Estonia, or moving my current one there.…
While Estonia has famously introduced its e-residency which enables future founders to incorporate their company in minutes, things are still quite different here in Good Old Germany. Germany has a reputation for precision and adhering to rules. I’m not sure how any of these aspects apply to the founding of companies though. It’s just damn…
Doing some HTTP requests is usually one of the first things I do when I’m learning a new language (apart from comparing its performance in highly artificial benchmarks and checking whether it scales). Of all the “up-and-coming languages with great…
So you want to get in on the hot new stuff and decided it’s time to learn Docker. Good on you! Docker is the new kid on the block which allows you to containerize stuff. Well, not really – it’s…
Fully automated Breast Segmentation on Mammographies After having tried (and failed) to train a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to identify Mammographies with malignant signs, I decided to open-source most of the pre-processing tools I had developed in the process. breast_segment…
Sometimes I miss the old days in which you could simply yank out a bad PHP script interspersed with some HTML and – bezonga – you had a website. Since then, things have become somewhat more complicated. Sure, I could…
After living in Bangkok for 4 months and having worked as an intern in Siriraj Hospital, here’s my take on “how to get around Bangkok and enjoy the attractions without being a bozo tourist”. Summary Important Pointers The king (and…
I would really, really love to be able to like Cloud Code. The idea of simplifying any backend into one unified platform with push-capabilities and node.js-style extendability sounds awesome. However, I ended up struggling. I am by no means a…
Oh wow, now this is really neat. Moving content away from my server to GitHub didn’t make me feel that good in the first place, but if everyone does it, it must be good, right? No, mostly I got annoyed when…