If you’ve read my recent rant about how painful it is to found a company in Germany, you probably realized that I was quite annoyed about bureaucracy in Germany at the time – what you didn’t know, however, was that I was also looking at founding a company in Estonia via its e-Residency, or moving my current one there.
Estonia? What? Yeah.. okay, let’s take one step back.
Estonia has a program called “e-Residency”. While other people on the internet go into huge detail into what it is and what you can do with it, I’ll just condense it down for you and say the TLDR is that it’s a chip card with a card reader for your USB port, coupled to your identity, and it allows you to authenticate yourself online (via a browser extension) to use Estonian government services. The most common use case is to found a company in Estonia. This probably goes without saying, but one huge benefit is that you can do everything online, very much in contrast to the German process, where you e.g. have to show up in person so that a Notary Public reads out your incorporation documents to you.
Now – why would any human want to found a company in Estonia, you ask? Simple: It’s very digital, and it’s very founder-friendly. If you think those things don’t sound like much, let me tell you, it easily makes up the 99% of pain you experience as a founder, especially in Germany. So, if the “founder’s UX” is good, like Estonia offers it to be, that’s a really good proposition.
Except that’s it’s not.
I’ll leave you with this cliffhanger for a second and tell you what’s actually good about Estonia’s e-Residency:
- Everything is online. You just need your fancy e-Residency chip card and a card reader. You can run your business entirely from your browser. Wow.
- 0% profit tax. Your company only gets taxed when you pay out dividends – those get taxed at 22% (raised from 20% in 2025). If you “leave” money in the company however, it doesn’t get taxed. This is huge for startups which want to grow (which covers, like, 100% of startups at the beginning).
- Pretty cool ecosystem. There’s a small bunch of companies which have specialized on serving e-Residents for e.g. bookkeeping and tax advice, everything at reasonable prices, fairly automated and, of course, digital.
If you’ve ever tried to find a tax advisor and bookkeeper in Germany, you know that this is worth a lot.
So all of this is great. But.. now about the drawbacks. You see, it’s essentially in the fine print which people tend to not be aware of. The main problem is that of permanent establishment. What the hell?
Let’s look at an example: You are me. This is easy to illustrate because I know myself pretty well, at least that’s what I tell myself under the shower:
You’re a founder who lives mostly in Germany and is therefore taxed in Germany. You found an Estonian company via your e-Residency. Your company does digital stuff, like consulting and selling software.
The Estonia e-Residency Permanent Establishment Situation, And Hell
Now here’s the problem: Because you, as the CEO, are mostly in Germany, your company actually “operates” in Germany, and is therefore taxed like a German company, too (the fancy term is “permanent establishment” in the double taxation agreement).
To say this is hell is probably an understatement. Because now your taxation likely looks like this:
- Do your Estonian taxes. Probably quite easy, because it’s digital and only dividends are taxed anyway. Still, you need to do your bookkeeping etc.
- Do your German taxes in addition to that. This is likely hell, because you have to probably do stuff like estimate how much of your business activity was in Germany (all? some?), possibly do your bookkeeping again based on German requirements, and then pay German tax on top.
One of the biggest problems on top is probably that you need to hire a tax advisor who knows international tax law and has experience in Estonian and German tax. The main problem with that is that finding pragmatic tax advisors is already a huge challenge, and you’re now narrowing it down to a tiny subset of tax advisors on the planet, so the challenge just became even huger. Also, for whatever reason, doing “international tax stuff” always seems to be a blanket reason for tax advisors to charge huge hourly rates, which makes no rational sense to me.
So.. hell.
Solving The Permanent Establishment Problem
What are possible solutions to the permanent establishment problem around Estonia’s e-residency? I’ve done a fair bit of research, and I’ve found three viable solutions. Let me preface that with my opinion that all of them probably work, but none of them are great.
I’ve also updated this article with some suggested solutions by other people and the reasons why those don’t work (further below). But let’s talk about the solutions which work first:
Solution 1: Don’t Live In Any Country, Tax-Wise
This is the “digital nomad scenario”: You’re never spending e.g. more than 180 days in any country, and therefore you aren’t taxed in any country any more (greatly simplified, do your own research, too!).
By the way, this doesn’t work for US citizens. More on that below.
Assuming you’re not a US citizen and a digital nomad: You’re free to found your company in any country, and Estonia is a pretty good choice because you can do everything digitally and the taxation is pretty good.
You avoid the permanent establishment problem because you don’t live in any country.
Technically, you could choose countries with even better taxation, but at the (potentially huge) cost of shadiness. Dubai and Singapore come to mind: In Dubai, laws might change and you still need middlemen to set up stuff for you, and in Singapore you have to hire a Singaporean managing director, because companies always need a Singaporean managing director. So you need to pay a company which provides a managing director on paper who also “manages” like 500 other companies.. shady.
Estonia is cool because it’s not shady: You own 100% of your company, and you’re the only managing director.
Solution 2: Move To a Country With Tax.. Flexibility
If you think that moving countries every <180 days sounds stressful, I agree. Another solution could be a country with tax “flexibility” which simply doesn’t care much about your permanent establishment situation.
Like Thailand before 2024 (it changed now): Any “foreign” income, including income from your Estonian e-Residency company, would not be subject to Thai tax, as long as you don’t move the funds to Thailand within one year. If you think this sounds very vague, probably every digital nomad and their Thai dog will agree with you. So the procedure was to just leave your money in an overseas bank account and set yourself a reminder to move it to your Thai bank account in one year’s time. Or, you know, just don’t move it at all and spend it with your overseas credit card in Thailand every day.
So here, you technically have a permanent establishment in the country you live in, but it’s just that that country doesn’t tax your company. This would enable you to run an Estonian e-Residency company, but solely due to the fact that your current country doesn’t check on you.
To be clear: I’m not ranting about Thailand here (Thailand is actually pretty cool) – I’m just pointing out that countries exist with weird tax schemes which don’t cover foreign income. If you now think this is only limited to developing countries, then.. take a look at the non-dom status in Great Britain.
Then again, people say that, since Brexit, Great Britain might be reverting back to a developing country. Anyway! Onwards to solution 3.
Solution 3: Permanent Establishment In Estonia
The last solution would be to actually set up a permanent establishment in Estonia. Depending on how you do it, the implementation of this ranges from “shady and risky” to “extremely easy”.
Let’s look at the extremely easy solution first:
Move to Estonia.
That’s it. Onwards to the shady and risky solution:
Set up what I call a “weird permanent establishment” in Estonia while you continue to live in your own country. Depending on what you read online, it boils down to 1) rending an office which consists of more than a letterbox, 2) actually hiring an Estonian person to sit in said office (hence the requirement for more than a letterbox, as you can’t sit in a letterbox) and 3) some proof that you also often sit in said office and make serious business decisions as its managing director.
This is also vague, because it leaves many questions unanswered: Hire an Estonian managing director or a normal employee? How big must the office be?
The three biggest problems Estonia e-Residency problems for me are:
- What if your company grows, and it doesn’t grow in Estonia? Say, you hire five more people in Germany, while only one person continues to sit in your non-letterbox office in Estonia? Will this “tilt the scales” towards you suddenly having permanent establishment in Germany?
- If you hire other people in other countries, you’ll likely have to hire them through a so-called “Employer of Record” (EoR) which easily charges 500€ / month / employee for that service (crazy). This adds up and cuts into your “tax savings” you were expecting due to Estonia’s better taxation system.
Or.. if you hire, say, >10 people in Germany, you might be better off founding an additional local German company for that, too, and now you’re stuck with a German company again! - There’s always the risk that your local financial authority will disagree with your Estonian non-letterbox company resembling a permanent establishment. You might win this argument, but you might also not. It’ll cost you time and legal fees for, yep, you guessed it, the international tax advisors.
The Real Solution To The Estonia e-Residency Permanent Establishment Situation
Here’s a very simple flowchart (in text) which boils it down for you:
- You want to permanently live in one country and that country cares about permanent establishment / foreign income, e.g. Germany: Bite the bullet and found your company in your own country.
- You live in a country which doesn’t care about permanent establishment / foreign income or are a digital nomad: Consider an Estonian company.
That’s it.
And maybe one more point: If you’re as deep into this sort of research as I am right now, both of us should probably actually get back to work and actually work on our companies and products and not research highly hypothetical scenarios of how to optimize this sort of stuff.
“Solutions” For The Estonia e-Residency Permanent Establishment Situation Which Actually Don’t Work
I originally published this article in 2024. Now it’s 2025, and in the meantime, I’ve come across many proposed “solution” to the permanent establishment situation which I haven’t covered so far. The problem with these solutions is that they are illegal – which doesn’t necessarily mean that they don’t work, depending on your risk tolerance for tax fraud (nervous chuckle).
Anyway, let’s get into those proposals and why they don’t work:
Broken Solution 1: Invoicing Your Estonian Company As a Freelancer
This one sounds interesting and even reasonably simple. Here’s the setup:
- You’re living in a country which cares about foreign-controlled companies and taxes etc., e.g. Germany.
- You set up an Estonian company which is your operational business, i.e. sends invoices to your clients, pays expenses, etc.
- You set yourself up as a self-employed person / freelancer in your own country (e.g. Germany) and send invoices to your Estonian company, thereby moving money out of the company.
This solution might look elegant on the surface: You get all the digitalisation and simplicity benefits of having an Estonian company while, on the surface, not committing tax fraud because you’re properly invoicing your Estonian company as a freelancer and then paying German income tax on your freelance income.
So far, so good. But here are the problems with this setup:
- You still have the permanent establishment problem, i.e. if the German tax authorities notice that your Estonian company essentially has no substance in Estonia and is mainly run by you, you’d be required to do the additional German bookkeeping and taxes for your Estonian company, too. This would suck tremendously.
- As a freelancer, you run the risk of not being classified as a freelancer (“scheinselbstständig”) by the German tax authorities, because you’re only working for one company (your Estonian company). This would mean that you’d have to retroactively pay social security contributions on top of your freelance income.
Again, depending on your risk tolerance for tax fraud, an interesting question might be how high the probabilities for each of those are. I don’t have any data on tax authorities looking into the permanent establishment situation. That probability might below, as I haven’t found any Estonia e-Residency founders online which mentioned this. But the German authorities do check a lot on the “not being classified as a freelancer” thing, so that would be tricky.
One interesting thought here would be whether you live in a country which is more open towards freelancers working only for one company (= your Estonian one) and also how likely that companies looks into the permanent establishment stuff. One data point below as provided by a commenter from Spain who noted that they’ve heard from an Estonian e-residency provider that the Spanish authorities tend to not check on these sort of things, so the setup of being a freelancer plus having an Estonian company might work in Spain. I reached out to that company and they unfortunately couldn’t provide any details.
Let’s move on and look into the next broken solution which aims to circumvent the drawback of the freelancer setup not paying social security:
Broken Solution 2: Your Estonian Company Pays a Proper Salary
Here’s the setup:
- You’re living in a country which cares about foreign-controlled companies and taxes etc., e.g. Germany.
- You set up an Estonian company which is your operational business, i.e. sends invoices to your clients, pays expenses, etc.
- Your Estonian company pays you a proper salary in Germany. For that, it registers with the German authorities, pays income taxes and (potentially) social security, etc.
This is an interesting setup, because it looks very compliant on the surface. However, the problem here is also that of permanent establishment. Sure, your Estonian company is properly registered in German (“Betriebsstätte”) and pays the proper deductions of your salary. But, on top of that, having a permanent establishment in Germany, it would need to do the German bookkeeping and pay German corporate taxes, too! So this won’t work.
Again, the big question here would be “what’s the probability of the financial authorities checking this?”, and I don’t know. But it certainly would make it hard to sleep at night.
Broken Solution 3: Just Pay Out Dividends At 22% Tax Rate
One reddit user suggested the genius idea of simply paying our dividends from your Estonian company, taxed at 22%, instead of paying yourself a German salary (or via freelance invoicing) which would subject you to German income tax which tops out at 42-45%. Here’s the difference between those two scenarios:
- Invoice your Estonian company as freelancer or pay out a salary in Germany: Progressive tax rate, tops out at 42% – 45%.
- Pay out dividends from your Estonian company: Flat tax of 22%.
The reddit user was like “dude, I just pay myself out lots of dividends and safe taxes!”. However, this is clearly tax fraud. Why? Because the Estonian 22% “dividend tax” is actually a delayed corporate tax, and not a capital gains tax. So the proper taxation of dividends of the Estonian company would be 22% Estonian tax and then another 26% German capital gains tax on what remains afterwards.
Contrast this with owning a German company (UG / GmbH) whose yearly profits are taxed at 30% – the tax benefits suddenly aren’t very significant as you’d pay 30% + 26% to get money out of the German company vs. 22% + 26% in the Estonian one.
So yeah, this also doesn’t work.
Anyway, those were the most commonly proposed “solutions”. Now, back to topic: Does the Estonian e-Residency suck? Yes and no. Let’s look at it again.
Conclusion: Estonia’s e-Residency Is Awesome And Sucks
It’s awesome because its execution is near-perfect: Getting e-Residency is straightforward, and all the online services I’ve seen so far are amazing and simple. The actual process of founding a company in Estonia is digital and very impressive.
It sucks because Estonia can’t change the international tax system. Founding a company in Estonia is essentially non-viable for people who reside in countries which care about permanent establishment and/or foreign income.
This actually prohibits a huge number of e-Residents from founding an Estonian company. Further, I think that most e-Residents are not even aware of this.
It’s not Estonia’s fault though, because, well, they can’t change the way the international tax system works – like, they can’t change the way e.g. Germany taxes German tax residents running an Estonian company. Or, worse yet, US citizens anywhere in the world, because the US taxes people based on citizenship, not residency (so solutions 1-3 literally don’t work for US citizens.. yeah). Oh wait, there’s another country which does that.. Eritrea. Yes, seriously.
What would be a better solution? Maybe something like a “EU-wide system of choosing a company”: Nowadays, a German business (like ours) can choose a bank in Lithuania or Belgium for its corporate bank account, and thanks to SEPA and IBANs, none of this is a problem. This is really cool!
What if, in the future, a German business could choose any country for its corporate “founding”, like Estonia, regardless of where its employees live? That would really be awesome.
If you think this is outlandish, I disagree. Look at the US, where Delaware is now the de facto place to found a company.
It would line up well with the whole idea of the EU which was.. hm, I don’t know, but enabling this sort of stuff. And there’d suddenly be competition among EU countries on who provides the best business services.
I’d look forward to that competition and Estonia becoming the Delaware of the EU. I’d move my business there in a heartbeat.
Anyway. Hope this was useful! If I missed anything, write a comment below.
And as always, the usual disclaimer applies: I’m a doctor, not a tax advisor. So.. unfortunately you’ll still have to do your own research and/or hire one of those rare and expensive international tax advisors if you’re considering moving forward with your Estonian company.
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