Category: Self-Experiments

  • I Wanted a CO2 Sensor, I Got a Fart Detector

    In the everlasting quest of optimizing my sleep, I recently started measuring air quality in my bedroom. I hope to write up the setup at a later time; here, I’ll focus on some surprising results. I used a sensor to measure equivalent CO2 (eCO2) and Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC). The Morning Spike The first…

  • Making My Own Glasses

    It’s a long weekend, I’m standing in my flat, 10 lenses scattered across the desk in front of me. I’m wearing weird glasses consisting of an empty plastic frame and some lenses stuck into it. I squint out of the window, trying to read number plates of cars parked in the street. What happened? It…

  • The Correlation Project

    As a coder, concentration and mental focus become very important. Writing code is a very brain-intense activity which makes daily fluctuations of mental focus very obvious. I already noticed this while studying medicine. Luckily, studying medicine is not an activity which requires a lot of brain activity (it’s more about being organised). When I started…

  • Two Years of Sleep Optimization

    As a kid, I became obsessed with my sleep. When I couldn’t fall asleep, I panicked – oh no, I’m not getting enough sleep for school tomorrow! As a good Asian kid, that thought was very scary. I would blame my bed, mattress or pillow of making too much noise or being uncomfortable. My parents…